The de-Haunted Collective is formed by the artistic researchers Lore Pilzecker and Mariana Gusso Nickel

Lore Pilzecker is a visual artist who researchers the deconstruction of monumental artworks by means of reproduction. She usually works with scultptures and drawings in her installations. Recently, she created a hydrofeministic fountains reproduced out of her own breast.

Lore studied Fine Arts at ArtEZ and Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam.

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Mariana Gusso Nickel is an artistic researcher, editor at Simulacrum Magazine, and member of the de-Haunted Collective. She has recently graduated from the Master of Art and Performance Research Studies at the University of Amsterdam, and co-organised re-Membering Phantoms with Lore Pilzecker.

She is currently writing about the Anthropophagic Movement in Brazil, focusing on intersections between archival studies, hauntology, and psychoanalysis.

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